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Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. has been fortunate to have support from the Philo Affiliate, Rhoer Club, and Rhosebud.  Here in Charlotte, the Philos, Rhoer Club, and Rhosebuds have raised money for scholarships and a variety of philanthropic causes, collected donations for families in need, and provided countless hours of service to the community along side the members of the Beta Omicron Sigma Chapter, as well as independently.  See below to learn more about these wonderful organizations and how you can join.


2024-2026  BOS Philo Elected  Officiers

President - Philo Kim Guy

Vice President - Philo Virginia (Vee) Mayo

Recording Secretary - Philo Angela Gaddy

Financial Secretary - Philo Safiya Jones

Treasurer - Philo Denise Wilson

Historian - Philo LaDonya Claybourne

Philo Advisor - Mrs. Pamela Bolden

Co-Advisor - Mrs. Sauntoya Counts

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Philo Affiliate

Since its inception, Sigma Gamma Rho has promoted unity among women and for years many alumnae chapter worked with individuals who were not members of Greek-lettered organizations. These women were organized into auxiliaries that had various names until 1954 when the sorority officially approved the organized affiliate group and accepted the name of "Philo" (meaning Friend) as their official name.


In 1980 the Philos were organized on a national level and have grown to represent hundreds of women organized on a regional level as well. The Philos have contributed countless hours of community service and thousands of dollars to aid Sigma Gamma Rho's aim to enhance the quality of life within every community.


BOS has been lucky to partner with an exceptional group of women. The Beta Omicron Sigma Philo Affiliate was one of ten affiliates to be established when the Northeast Region Philos were organized. Induction was held on April 27, 1984 with charter members Philo President Peggy McCain, Vice-President Philo Cubia Spaulding, Secretary Philo Sandra Sutton, and Treasurer Philo Cathy McIlwain. The advisors were Mentzie Johnson and Lavenia Young.


The Philos accepted the challenge to promote “Greater Service, Greater Progress” in the Charlotte area, as well as surrounding entities. They continue to support Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated, the Beta Omicron Sigma Rhoer Club and Rhosebuds, as well as the National Pan-Hellenic Council in their endeavors.


The Philos strive to promote community service for which Sigma Gamma Rho was founded. In the past, they have participated in walks/runs, such as the March of Dimes, telethons for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Adopt-a-Family, voter registration drives, Adopt-a-Highway street cleanups, and the annual Sigma Youth Symposium. 


The Beta Omicron Sigma Philo Affiliate has been recognized with numerous awards on the regional level.


If you would like to learn more about membership with the BOS Philo Affiliate, please Contact Us!




Rhoer Club

The Rhoer Club is an affiliate organization founded in 1939 for teenage girls.  A love for youth and the development of their full potential was the primary motivating factor that inspired Founder Mary Lou Allison Gardner Little to organize Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Young people today face challenges that could never have been imagined years ago, but such challenges provide the sorority with opportunities to carry on the vision of Little.


Rhoer Clubs provide young women ages 12 to 18 with positive experiences in leadership development, academic counseling, personal counseling, mentoring, community service, and rites of passage.  Sigma Gamma Rho is dedicated to helping Rhoers to grow to be women of substance dedicated to service.






If you have questions about the Beta Omicron Sigma Rhoer Club or know  young women who are interested in becoming a member, please contact our Rhoer Club Advisor.


Rhosebud Club

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The Rhosebud Club is an affiliate group of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. consisting of a diverse group of girls ages 8 through 11 years of age.  Delicate like the petals of a rosebud, this affiliate group is handled with special care and attention.

Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. seeks to play a role in helping to cultivate girls as they grow into young ladies who are well-rounded and will embody the qualities needed to be good students and productive citizens.  We feel this can be best achieved through action that will contribute to the overall well-being of the Rhosebud.


If you have questions about the Beta Omicron Sigma Rhosebud Club or know  young girls who are interested in becoming a member, please contact our Rhosebud Club Advisor.


© Copyright 2022-2028 This website is the sole property and responsibility of the Beta Omicron Sigma Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. All rights reserved.

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